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Water & Wastewater
in JCC Workforce Development
Math for Water/Wastewater Plant Operators - Olean (3098)
with J. Mogavero

This session applies math principles water operators use in the treatment and distribution systems as chemical dosages, flows, detention times and pressure.
Microbiology- Olean (3099)
with J. Mogavero

This session reviews the Total Coliform rule, sample collection, preparing Health Reports, Public Notifications, and a review of water quality disinfection practices to microorganism.
Grade IIB - Olean (3095)
with J. Mogavero

This four-day course is designed to meet the requirements of NYS Sanitary Code Part 5 relative to the training required to receive New York State Water Treatment Operator's certification.
Grade C - Olean (3096)
with J. Mogavero

This three-day course is designed for systems with facilities for basic treatment and/ or pressure zones, booster stations, storage tanks, fire protection, disinfection, nonresidential consumers, cross-connection potential, demand variations, and more.
Activated Sludge - Olean (3101)
with J. Mogavero

This course is for candidates applying for wastewater certification for an activated sludge or "A" facility.
Grade D - Olean (3097)
with J. Mogavero

This course is designed for operators of distribution systems serving greater than 1,000 people. Topics include pressure zones, booster stations, storage tanks, fire protection and disinfection.
Basic Wastewater Operations - Olean (3100)
with J. Mogavero

This 60 hour course will provide instruction for Basic Wastewater Operations to individuals seeking to become certifiied. The course follows the DEC curricula guide for watewater treatment plant operators. Textbooks are included.
Basic Hydraulics - Dunkirk (3007)
with J. Mogavero

This session will review treatment and distribution operations for flows, pressure, storage capacity, operations and maintaining drinking water quality.